
英文:Aftertaking office, Pi?era commissioned a bluechip task force to look into reformsintended to extend breastfeeding and cut down on the use of sick leave for defacto maternity leave. Maternity leave is paid by the government, while sick leavefor infant care is covered by private or public health plans. Contrary to whatPi?era intended, the law passed by Congress in 2011 did not extend a benefitbut created a universal right. The law contemplates a 12-week maternity leavepost-birth and 12 weeks of parental leave that can be taken by either mother orfather. There is a gradual halftime return-to-work scheme for women after the 12thweek if they wish that also allows fathers to share parental leave. In anycase, women can remain at home for a full 24 weeks.31 This maternal/parentalleave is paid with a capped subsidy equivalent to US$ 2,000 per month.

SinceNovember 2011, however, fewer than 3% of women have used the staggered-return schemeand only 23 fathers have taken parental leave.32 There are many explanations,but the most important is the cultural representation of who does child care.Focus group discussions with women workers indicated that blue collarworkers were uncomfortable with the ideathat men could take care of babies, that men were a nuisance when they did nothelp and worse in some cases when they did. The retail workers would considerthe option but trusted female relatives to give better care than men, while theprofessional women were open to the change.


办公室后,时代委托蓝筹任务部队调查改革的目的延长母乳喂养和减少对事实上的母性病假离开。产假是由政府支付,而病人走婴儿护理是由私人或公***健康计划。相反,whatpi?时代意,由美国国会在2011通过的法律并不能延续效益创造了一个普遍的权利。该法涉及一个12周的孕妇离开了出生12周的产假,可以由母亲或采取。如果他们愿意,也可以让父亲分享产假是一个渐进的半场回到工作后,12周妇女方案。在任何情况下,妇女可以留在家里,整整24 weeks.31这种母性/ parentalleave支付有限的补贴相当于每月2000美元。

sincenovember 2011,然而,只有不到3%的女性使用的交错方案只有23的父亲已经返回父母leave.32有许多解释,但最重要的是文化的表征谁照顾孩子。焦点小组讨论与女性工人表示,蓝领工人是对于男人不可以照顾婴儿,那人是个累赘当他们无助和差在某些情况下,他们什么时候。零售业的工人会考虑选择而可信的女性亲戚给比男人更好的照顾,而职业妇女开放的变化。