维亚尔Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940 )爱德华·维亚尔是法国纳比派代表画家。 Vial Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940) Edward Vial representatives of the French Nabi painter.
纳比派描绘现实的方法,不依中心透视法,而是依纳粹主观与装饰性的观念所带出的形式。 Nabi sent depict realistic approach, non-center perspective, but by the Nazi concept of the subjective and the decorative Out of form.
法国纳比派(先知派)代表画家之一。 France sent Nabi (Prophet sent) on behalf of artists.
他在巴黎美术学院学画时,认识了博纳尔 、 塞律西埃和瓦洛东,加上后来交往的德尼 、 鲁塞尔 ,组成“那比派”。 He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, the understanding of the Bonner , Cyprus Law West and Vallotton East, and the later exchanges Sidney , Russell , composition "that than to send."
他的画风深受象征派画家夏凡纳、印象派画家莫内、 后印象派画家高更 、新印象派画家修拉和日本版画的影响,绘画题材多为富裕的家庭主妇或操劳家务,或闲聊静坐,或缝纫刺绣,颇具安静闲散、平和雅致的特点。 A symbol of his style by the summer of Savannah painter, impressionist painter Monet, Impressionism, after the painter Gauguin , Seurat and the new Impressionist influence of Japanese prints, paintings subjects of housewives or worked hard for the wealthy home, or chat sit , or sewing embroidery, quite quiet and idle, peaceful and elegant features.
在风格上十分讲究稳定与简洁,精致与严谨,善于将生活场面转换为装饰性的色彩处理,大块平涂的灰色与点彩效果十分和谐地统一于画面。 In the style is very particular about the stability and simple, elegant and precise, adept at the scene of life into decorative color processing, large flat painted gray and stippling effect is very harmonious unity of the picture.
主要作品有《床上》、《公园》、《窗边少女》、《扫地的女人》等 His main works are "bed", "Park", "window girls", "discredited the woman", etc.
维亚尔的代表作《公园》有三个画面组成一个完整的构图,也成为三联画 ,很像北欧三伏对称的祭坛画 。 Vial's masterpiece "Park" has three screens to form a complete composition, but also a triptych , like the Nordic dog day symmetrical altarpiece .
原是画家受纳比派的支持者纳坦森的委托而作 Nabi painter originally sent by the supporters of Na Tansen and for the commission
《公园》 "Park" 装饰餐厅之用。 Decorated restaurant use.
画面上描绘的是巴黎公园的一角,淡淡的阳光下几个妇女闲坐在长凳上,有的在聊天,有的在与孩子们玩耍,有的默默地独坐。 Paris on the screen depicts a corner of the park, a touch of the sun a few women sit on a bench, some chatting, some playing with the children, some sitting quietly.
整个画面以平坦的绘画方法作处理,有意减弱空间升读和体积感的表现,讲究色块与色块的和谐配合,并在大的色面中加进密密麻麻、小而有规则的不同色点,形成丰富而生动的色彩效果。 The entire screen to a flat painting methods for processing, prospective weakened sense of space and volume of secondary performance, pay attention to color and color harmony with, and adding a large color plane into numerous, small and there are rules of the different color points to form a rich and vivid color effects.
人物刻画及其简略与概括,完全服从整体的效果,有些脸与手仅是一块色块。 Its brief and general characterization is entirely subordinate to the overall effect, there is only one face and hand color.
画面色调沉着清朗,偏于冷灰,画法风格虽与博纳尔相似,但对色调与情趣的处理却有天壤之别。 Calm and cool and bright color screen, indulge in the cold gray, painting style, and Bonner, although similar, but the handling of color and taste a huge difference.
在请去追求上,似乎受东方艺术尤其是日本浮世绘的装饰性和平面处理的影响较深。 To pursue in please, it seems, especially by the Oriental Art Japanese Ukiyo-e of the decorative and graphic treatment of deep.