Do you still believe that mother should be the only person to be responsible for the heavy housework? or, do you still hold the view that what childen shoul do is only study? in my opinion, some things just need to be changed. And i think sharing the housework can be a good way. the reason are as follows.
As the sociery is changing rapidly, some old-fashioned thoughts have been abandoned, women begin to go out working to make a living. Women no longer stay at home all day. They work as hard as men do. rest as little as men do, and even get as much salary as men do.so it's unfair for them to be the only ones doing the housework.
futhrmore, It's also a child's duty to reduce the burden of his or her parents. comparedwith working, study is usually much easier.so it is reasonable that we children help do some of the housework insteas of leaving it all to our tired parents.