1.What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
What is good for a man is equally good for a woman; or, what a man can have or do, so can a woman have or do.
This comes from an earlier proverb, “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.”
2)The squeaky wheel gets the greasy.
said to emphasize that attention is paid to those problems which are made most noticeable
This expression "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" is supposed to derive
from a poem by Josh Billings entitled "The Kicker":
"I hate to be a kicker, I always long for peace,
But the wheel that does the squeaking is the one that gets the grease."
Shaw, Henry Wheeler (Josh Billings, pen name) 1818 -- 1885 Writer; born in Lanesboro, Mass. He studied at Hamilton College (1832--33), but was dismissed for removing the clapper from the chapel bell. He then traveled widely, held a variety of jobs, and settled in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. There he became a realtor and auctioneer. Using his pen name, he wrote humorous aphorisms (with crude misspellings), as in Josh Billings, His Sayings (1865), and a parody annual, Farmer's Allminax (1869--80). Once he was successful, he moved to New York City.
3) Anyway,he's gone south by behaving like that.
当你的电脑出现故障,你急忙叫来技术人员修理时,却被告知你的电脑已经“has gone south”了,你是不是会一头雾水:“我的电脑怎么会去了南方呢?” 其实在这里,“go south”指电脑已经坏了,不能再用。
据罗伯特·查普曼编撰的《美国俚语大字典》(哈勃·考林斯出版社1995年出版)解释,go south表示“消失;失败”,因此它可以指电脑或其他机械出现故障不能再使用。此外,go south也可指某人携带钱财或赃物潜逃、进行信用卡诈骗或者指某物急剧减少。如例句:Enron investor confidence went south after Ken Lay sold his personal stock holdings in the company. (在肯·莱抛售了其在安然公司中所持的股票时,投资者的信心一落千丈。)
查普曼编撰的字典把go south的主要意思(消失、失败)的起源追溯到20世纪40年代,而它的“逃亡、潜逃”的含义则最早出现在1925年左右。但语言大师巴里·鲍皮克在1903年5月出版的《圣路易斯邮报》的俚语列表中也发现了有关这个词语的用法:离开城镇;杳无音信;盗窃。 因此,我们可以断定,gone south的用法早在20世纪初就流传开来。
那么短语gone south中的south到底指什么呢?一种说法认为在制作地图时,南方位于地图的下半部分,因此go south就喻指“到下面去”。另外一个说法则更为有趣,说南方原本就是指墨西哥。在20世纪早期如果一个人被通缉追捕,他就会逃往墨西哥,在那里“蒸发消失掉”,以躲避法律的制裁。
the cat's meow 最了不起
That guy thinks he's the cat's meow.
His new coat is the cat's meow.