求英文翻译 “大学之道,在明明德,在亲民……致知在格物”这一段

The tenet of University consists in promoting the character of being high-principled and honorable,prompting people to seek the new while discarding the old,and thus leading people to pefection.

To gain knowledge, you need to be extrordinarily thoughful;

To be thoughful , you need to be easy and justified;

To be easy and justified, you need to be peaceful ;

To be peaceful , you need to be persistent ;


To be persistent,you should realize where you want to be!

Everything has its root and detail,everything has its beginning and end ,knowing this, then you are

getting close to knowing how the world is going. In ancient times,those who want to promote the character of being high-principled and honorable,must firstly have their country well-governed.

To well govern a country, they need to have their families and clans under well governance;

To have their families and clans under well governance, they need to govern themselves well first;

To have themselves well-governed, they need to have a good state of mind;

To have a good state of mind ,they need to be honest and genuine;

To be honest and genuine, they need to obtain knowledge .

And the way to obtain knowledge consists in studying and understanding the Universe!!



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