In turns over to the responsibility in the history, since the Romanlaw, persisted the mistake responsibility principle, "does not havethe mistake namely not to have the responsibility" is a famous legalmaxim. Along with society's development, the industrial accident, theenvironmental damage accident massive appearances, the harm dangeroussource complication and the diversification, present evidence theproof by the victim to injure person's mistake not to be nearlyimpossible, the various countries and looks after the weak one, thestable society's policy based on the fair just legal spiritconsidered, has stipulated the non- mistake responsibility principleone after another, also called the non- error responsibilityprinciple, regards as this principle the special principle, only issuitable the legal rule the special situation. In the congruentrelationship domain, as a result of the modern economy fastdevelopment, protects the transaction to be safe has become thecontract law in this domain main controlled member. Therefore, thestrict observance contract principle has become one of modern contractlaw most important principles, does not fulfill the contract duty tohave to undertake the corresponding responsibility. Our country"General provisions of the civil law" 107th: "Because the forcemajeure cannot fulfill the contract or create the other people toharm, does not undertake the civil liability, the law has thestipulation in addition being an exception." In in contract or forcemajeure non- mistake responsibility. In the usual situation, the forcemajeure is avoids the responsibility the matter, this kind ofconclusion is decides by the mainland legal system mistakeresponsibility. Makes the special regulation in the law the situation,the force majeure has the non- mistake responsibility condition.Speaking of the ordinary circumstances, the force majeure causes thecontract not to be able to fulfill, the contract litigant generallymay through present evidence the responsibility which the forcemajeure the occurrence avoids does not fulfill. This article firstfrom this principle concept, the correlation responsibility (mistakeestimation responsibility, finally responsibility, strictresponsibility) distinguishes, the legal characteristic and theconstitution important document mentions, next to non- mistakeresponsibility aspect and so on principle applicable scope as well asmalpractice carries on the discussion, finally proposes own viewpoint,thus deepens to the non- mistake responsibility principleunderstanding and the understanding, in order to better suitablemodern civil law this theory principle.