衍射光栅实验仪器: Diffraction grating experimental apparatus:
分光计、光栅、汞灯。 Spectrometer, grating, mercury lamp.
三、 实验原理及过程简述: Third, the experimental principle and process briefly:
1.衍射光栅、光栅常数光栅是由大量相互平行、等宽、等距的狭缝(或刻痕)构成。 1. Diffraction grating, grating constant grating parallel to each other by a large number, width, offset of the slit (or scoring) form. 其示意图如图1所示。 The diagram shown in Figure 1.
光栅上若刻痕宽度为a,刻痕间距为b,则d=a十b称为光栅常数,它是光栅基本参数之一。 If the notch width of the grating, a, notch distance b, then d = a 10 b known as the grating constant, which is one of the basic parameters of grating.
2.光栅方程、光栅光谱根据夫琅和费光栅衍射理论,当一束平行单色光垂直入射到光栅平面上时,光波将发生衍射,凡衍射角满足光栅方程: 2. Grating equation, grating spectrometer grating according to Fraunhofer diffraction theory, when a bunch of parallel monochromatic light normally incident to the grating plane, the light diffraction will occur, where the diffraction angle to meet the grating equation:
(1) 时,光会加强。 (1), the light will enhance. 式中λ为单色光波长, 是明条纹级数。 The formula for the monochromatic light wavelength λ, is the next stripe series. 衍射后的光波经透镜会聚后,在焦平面上将形成分隔得较远的一系列对称分布的明条纹,如图2所示。 Diffracted light converged by the lens, the form will be separated in the focal plane was farther out a series of symmetrical stripes, shown in Figure 2.
如果人射光波中包含有几种不同波长的复色光,则经光栅衍射后,不同波长光的同一级( )明条纹将按一定次序排列,形成彩色谱线,称为该入射光源的衍射光谱。 If people shoot light contains several different wavelengths of polychromatic light, then by the diffraction grating, the different wavelengths of light with a () specify a certain order of stripes will form a color spectrum, known as the diffraction of the incident light source spectrum. 图3是普通低压汞灯的第一级衍射光谱。 Figure 3 is the normal low pressure mercury lamp of the first order diffraction spectra. 它每一级光谱中有四条特征谱线:紫色λ1=4358 ;绿色λ2=5461 ;黄色两条λ3=5770 和λ4=5791 。 Which each level of the spectrum there are four characteristic lines: Purple λ1 = 4358; green λ2 = 5461; yellow 2 λ3 = 5770 and λ4 = 5791. 3.光栅常数与汞灯特征谱线波长的测量由方程(1)可知,若光垂直入射到光栅上,而第一级光谱中波长λ1已知,则测出它相应的衍射角为,就可算出光栅常数d;反之,若光栅常数已知,则可由式(1)测出光源发射的各特征谱线的波长。 3. Grating constant and the characteristic lines of wavelength measurement of mercury by the equation (1) know that, if the incident light perpendicular to the grating, the first wavelength λ1-level spectrum is known, then measured its corresponding diffraction angle, the can calculate the grating constant d; the other hand, if the grating constant is known, can be from (1) measure the light emission wavelength of the characteristic lines. 角的测量可由分光计进行。 Angle measurement by the spectrometer for.
4. 4. 实验内容与步骤a.分光计调整与汞灯衍射光谱观察(1)调整好分光计。 A. spectrometer experiment contents and procedures of adjustment and mercury diffraction observations (1) adjust the spectrometer.
(2)将光栅按图4所示位置放于载物台上。 (2) grating as shown in Figure 4, were placed on the loading platform. 通过调平螺丝或使光栅平面与平行光管光轴垂直。 By leveling screws or so grating plane and the vertical axis collimator. 然后放开望远镜制动螺丝,转动望远镜观察汞灯衍射光谱,中央( )零级为白色,望远镜转至左、右两边时,均可看到分立的四条彩色谱线。 And release the telescope brake screws, rotating telescope diffraction spectrum mercury lamp, the central (), zero is white, the telescope go to the left and right sides, the can see the four color separation lines. 若发现左、右两边光谱线不在同一水平线上时,可通过调平螺丝,使两边谱线处于同一水平线上。 If found to the left and right sides of spectral lines when not on the same level, leveling screws can make both sides of the spectrum at the same level.
(3)调节平行光管狭缝宽度。 (3) adjust the width of collimator slit. 狭缝的宽度以能够分辨出两条紧靠的黄色谱线为准。 Slit width in order to be able to distinguish between the two yellow lines close to prevail.
b.光栅常数与光谱波长的测量(1)以绿色光谱线的波长λ=5461 作为己知,测出其第一级( )光谱的衍射角。 b. grating constant and the spectral wavelength measurement (1) to green spectral line of wavelength λ = 5461 as a known, measured its first-class () spectra of the diffraction angle. 为了消除偏心差,应同时读下、 两游标。 In order to eliminate bias difference, should also be read, the two cursors. 对记下、 ,对记下、 。 On the record, on record,. 则所测。 Were measured. ***重复测三次。 Repeat three times were measured.
(2)以绿色光谱测量计算所得的光栅常数为已知。 (2) to green spectral measurements calculated for the known grating constant. 按上述步骤分别测出紫色与两条黄色谱线的角,也重复测三次。 Were measured as described above with two yellow and purple lines in the corner, it was repeated three times measured.
四、实验数据处理及误差计算: 4, experimental data processing and error calculation:
1. 1. 数据记录T1 T1′ T-1 T-1′ φ Data record T1 T1 'T-1 T-1' φ
紫93°14′ 273°14′ 78°17′ 258°17′ 7°28.5′ Purple 93 ° 14 '273 ° 14' 78 ° 17 '258 ° 17' 7 ° 28.5 '
绿95°8′ 275°10′ 76°24′ 256°24′ 9°22.5′ Green 95 ° 8 '275 ° 10' 76 ° 24 '256 ° 24' 9 ° 22.5 '
黄1 95°42′ 275°43′ 75°52′ 255°53′ 9°55′ Yellow 1 95 ° 42 '275 ° 43' 75 ° 52 '255 ° 53' 9 ° 55 '
黄2 95°45′ 275°45′ 75°50′ 255°50′ 9°57.5′ Yellow 2 95 ° 45 '275 ° 45' 75 ° 50 '255 ° 50' 9 ° 57.5 '
2. 2. 算出,见上表。 Calculated, see table above.
3.算出光栅常数。 3. Calculate the grating constant.
d=3.3503μm d = 3.3503μm
4.分别算出、 。 4. Were calculated,. 以绿色为λ1已知,按公式,分别算出和、 ,并与公认值比较,以百分误差表示。 Green for the λ1 known, according to the formula, respectively, and calculated, and compared with the accepted values, expressed in percentile error.
=4355 E=0.069% = 4355 E = 0.069%
= 5763 E=0.13% = 5763 E = 0.13%
=5796 E=0.087% = 5796 E = 0.087%
五、 实验结果表达及误差讨论: 5, experimental results and the expression of Errors:
d=3.3503μm d = 3.3503μm
=4355 ±3 E=0.069% = 4355 ± 3 E = 0.069%
= 5763 ±7 E=0.13% = 5763 ± 7 E = 0.13%
=5796 ±5 E=0.087% = 5796 ± 5 E = 0.087%
误差来源:1、光栅光谱与分光计的分划板叉丝没有严格对上; Error sources: 1, grating spectroscopy and spectrometer reticle wire is not strictly on the fork;
2、游标分度值是1′,读数偏好可能产生1′的误差,特别是分辨出两条紧靠的黄色谱线比较困难; 2, cursor division value is a 'reading preferences may have an' error, in particular, to distinguish the two close to the yellow line is difficult;
3、计算过程数据取舍传递误差; 3, the calculation error of the data transmission choices;
4、光栅和分光计等仪器本身的精度有限带来的误差。 4, grating spectrometers and other instruments, and limited their accuracy error caused.