1.Although in identical occupation men's and women's beginning wages nearly same, but recently some people have conducted the research to
men's and women's wage differential, and forecast in will be allowed to foresee future eliminates the wage differential from the overall
the possibility to be miniscule. This is by the many kinds of factorsdecision, these factors even if can change, also is extremely possibly
extremely slow. The wage differential eliminates with difficulty one of important reasons is the women centralism in the service and the
article Peru profession, but in these profession wages is lower than the traditional masculine profession. After creates the gentleman and
woman participates in another important attribute which the work the wage differential increases day by day is, even if in the occupation
which may compare, the woman frequently works in the professional profession critical moment withdrawal manages the family. Our research
repeatedly indicated in 25 years old to 35 year-old age section, relentlessly diligently works to obtains the promotion and the job security is very important, but is precisely in this age section, the woman possibly can give birth to the child and starts after the income rise and fall in the gentleman.
2.The person which with own thought, the belief and the interest is similar is attracted, that is the very natural matter. Similarly, the person which is similar with oneself is together with the appearance characteristic, also lets the person feel comfortable. How perhaps did
you already note the person which in the life and the work closely was together were in the manner tend to similarly. We frequently meet the person which not on own initiative imitates us to approach, likes, admiring, the appearance which therefore, the fan can imitate which some athlete to be in sole possession of the peak shoulder walks; A pair of sweetheart company shakes the head the way is also same; But the employee can study his boss's custom, also when ponder question
between the finger plays with a pen. The influential character all consciously observes this kind of curative effect by no means in all
situations, but this kind imitates the existence can make him to feel comfortable. If he truly realized is same to others' hand signal or
the movement with him, he will feel happy, because that meant he has the influence to the others, he has the attraction to these people. 3
we know the fact is, the war likes such which very many people believed completely is by no means "the human nature" product. If just
like many people believed such, between the war and the person and person's violence can and exists in the entire human history in all or
nearly all societies, fact by no means so. Archaeologist's investigation result indicated as if humanity in very long before is the comparison is fastidious peace. For example in the previous French cavern drawing, is earlier in approximately 10,000 B.C. drawing nobody
the picture which goes to war with the person. This point prompt, in human early time that period of time, relatively says the person and
the person goes to war is rarely known. In a sense, this discovered nothing may make much ado about nothing; In the animal world, the
animal captures and kills the oneself type the phenomenon is very rare. They truly capture and kill other types the animal, but cannot
capture and kill they the type. Is same like the majority animal, in the early humanity relatively appears the human interior violence the
proportion to be lower. Therefore, the war is not the human nature inherent product, but is the result which certain societies and the cultural condition produces.
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