The public
sphere by jurgen Habenmas
By public sphere we mean first of all a domain of our social life in which such a
thing as public opinion can be formed. Access to the public sphere is open in
principle to all citizens. A portion of the public sphere is constituted (neither)
in every conversation in which private persons come conducting their private affairs,nor as legal consociates subject to the legal regulations of a state
bureaucracy and obligated to obedience. Citizens act as a public when they deal
with matters of and unite freely, and express and publicize their opinion freely.
When the build is large, this kind of communication requires certain means of
dissemination and influence: today, newspapers and periodicals, radio and television are the media of the public sphere. We speak of a political public sphere (as
distinguished from a literary one, for instance) when the public discussions
concern objects connected with the practice of the state. The coercive
power to the state is the counterpart, as it were, of the political public sphere,
but it is not a part to it. State power is, to be sure,considered "public" power, but it owes the attributes of publicness to this task of caring for the public, that is, providing for the common good
of all legal consociates. Only when the exercise of public authority has actually
been subordinated to the requirement of democratic publicness does the
political sphere acquire an institutionalized influence on the
government, by way of the legislative body. The term "public opinion“ refers to the functions of criticism and control of organized
state authority that the public exercises informally, as well
as formally during periodic elections. Regulations concerning the publicness
(or publicity in its original meaning) of state-related activities, as, for instance,
the public accessibility required of legal proceedings, are also connected with
this function of public opinion. To the public sphere as sphere mediating
between state and society, a sphere in which the public as the vehicle of
public opinions is formed, there corresponds the principle of publicness—the publicness that once had to win out
against the secret
politics of monarchs and that
since then has permitted democratic control of state activity.
由jurgen Habenmas撰写