大学计算机基础 Basis of computer
大学英语(Ⅰ) English (I)
高等数学 Senior Mathematic
工程制图 Engineering Cartography
体育(Ⅰ) Physical Education (I)
大学物理(甲) Physic (I)
大学英语(Ⅱ) English (I)
高等数学 Senior Mathematic
马克思主义基本原理概论 Basic Principles of Marxism
思想道德修养与法律基础 Thought Morals Accomplishment and Basic Law
体育(Ⅱ) Physical Education (II)
大学英语(Ⅲ) English (III)
复变函数和积分变换 Complex Variables Functions and integral transformation
机电控制工程基础 the basis of Mechatronic Control Engineering
毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想概论Ⅰ An Outline of Mao and Deng's Theories (I)
体育(Ⅲ) Physical Education (III)
大学英语(Ⅳ) English (IV)
工程材料 engineering material
机械制造工艺学 Technology of Mechanical Manufacture
计算机网络基础 Foundation of Computer Networks
毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想概论Ⅱ An Outline of Mao and Deng's Theories (II)
体育(Ⅳ) Physical Education (IV)