
对我国取保候审制度的概况进行简要的叙述。介绍了取保候审的概念、适用对象的范围、保证方式及违反义务制裁和价值功能等。China released on bail pending trial system with a brief overview of the narrative. Introduced the concept of release on bail, the scope of application of objects, methods and ensure that violation of obligations, such as sanctions and functional value


介绍了国外的保释制度,其中重点介绍了英国、美国、德国和日本的保释制度。并对保释制度与我国的取保候审制度对比进行了评析。 On the foreign bail system, which focuses on Britain, the United States, Germany and Japan to bail system. And the bail system and China's release on bail contrast to the assessment system.


China's current system is released on bail pending trial of the two main issues: the low rate of release on bail application and application of misconduct is widespread. And the existence of these two issues in detail the reasons for the analysis and further pointed out that the bail application of the low rate of the reasons: the legislative system of release on bail fuzzy concept, the scope to confusion; release on bail of weak implementation of safeguard mechanisms, was released on bail Violations were frequent, there is no legal relief, criminal suspects and defendants the right to release on bail, and so often denied. Released on bail application of improper reasons include: fuzzy legislative, judicial arbitrariness great confusion and disorderly released on bail pending trial procedures, to hold the trial is widespread.当前我国取保候审制度存在的两个主要问题:取保候审适用率低和适用不当现象普遍存在。并对存在这两个问题的原因进行详细的剖析,进一步指出造成取保候审适用率低的原因有:取保候审制度的立法概念模糊,适用对象范围混乱;取保候审的执行保障机制乏力,被取保候审人违法行为频发;没有设立法律救济,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人取保候审的权利经常被剥夺等。取保候审适用不当的原因包括:立法模糊,司法随意性大;取保候审程序混乱无序,以抱代审现象普遍存在。



The author released on bail pending trial on China's system of how to reform and improve the proposed release on bail a clear stand from the right attributes, clearly the scope of application of release on bail, release on bail guarantee perfect form, perfect release on bail of the decision, the Executive and relief process to proceed with.