问题一:起诉英语怎么说 Sue;prosecute
问题二:完整诉讼的英语翻译 完整诉讼用英语怎么说 完整诉讼的英语翻译 完整诉讼
plete litigation
问题三:民事诉讼 英语怎么说啊 民事诉讼:civil action/civil proceedings/ civil procedure
1 A defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action.
2 In civil proceedings, the litigants shall have equal litigant rights.
问题四:民事起诉状英语怎么说 民事诉讼:civil action/civil proceedings/ civil procedure
1 A defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action.
2 In civil proceedings, the litigants shall have equal litigant rights.
问题五:请问英语“用法律手段起诉。。。”怎么说呢?谢谢 用法律手段起诉 take suitable legal actions against...
We'll take suitable legal actions against such infringement if sufficient evidence is provided
问题六:知识产权诉讼用英语怎么说 intellectual property litigation
[例句]Temporary injunction is an important intellectual property litigation system.
问题七:各位英语和法律专家,诉讼保全用英语怎么说,很急,多谢 财产保全Property Preservation
诉讼保全Litigation Pres常rvation
问题八:诉讼仲裁法律服务 用英语怎么说 All disputes, controversies or claims arising in connection with this contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of merce (the “ICC”) by one arbitrator appointed in accordance with the said rules 中文翻译版本(1) 与这分合同有关的所有争端,争议或者索赔,都应该在国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则下获得最终解决,而且国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则是由一名仲裁员按照上述规则指定 中文翻译版本(2) 凡因这分合同引起的所有争端,争议或者索赔,都应该由一名仲裁员按照该规则指定在国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则下获得最终解决. 满意,请先采纳,谢谢
问题九:诉讼标的额英语怎么说 the lawsuit sign amount
问题十:正如上一段所诉用英语这么说 As what mentioned above或者直接说As mentioned above