Perhaps a person's life can not be close to the closest person to say the words
1 甚至不向最亲近的人流露自己情感的英国社会习俗
That English convention of not showing your feelings, even to your nearest and dearest
2 老板们就像大多数人一样,通常只看重和他们最亲近的人。
Leaders, like most people, generally prioritize the people who are closest to them.
3 尤其是在我选择最亲近人的问题上,我是不可能屈服于别人意愿的。
Nor will I yield to another the choosing of my nearest and dearest.
4 看上去你对于周围最亲近人的需要和想法非常的理解。
You seem to have a greater understanding of the needs and desires of those closest to you.